Complex Systems Research of Prof. Cristian Huepe
CHuepe Labs Inc. (Chicago IL, USA)
- Founder -
ESAM, Northwestern University (Evanston IL, USA)
- Adjunct Professor -
NICO, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems
- External Faculty -
SysSci, Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China)
- External Researcher -
SoL, Social Listening Lab, UC Chile (Santiago, Chile)
- Co-Director, Head Researcher -
Complex Systems, Self-Organization, Collective Motion,
Active Matter, Swarm Robotics, Non-equilibrium Systems,Â
Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Systems, Complex Networks, Emergence, Criticality in Music, Post-truth Dynamics

- About CHuepeLabs -
The Research Team of Cristián Huepe
CHuepeLabs develops research in complex systems, nonequilibrium physical dynamics and quantitative social sciences. Current efforts focus on collective motion, active matter, complex networks, modular-hierarchical evolutionary structures, and opinion formation.
CHuepeLabs is a global research team centered on the work of Cristián Huepe in Chicago and at NICO (Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems) & ESAM (Applied Math Dept.) at Northwestern University (USA).
CHuepeLabs also include collaborative teams at the School of Systems Science of Beijing Normal University (China), the Middle East Technical University ODTÜ/METU (Turkey), and the Social Listening Lab SoL-UC (Chile)